Friday, March 5, 2010


Last week we were invited to set up a display table and meet and greet participants at a networking event… Connection With Intention was an important event within the networking community of Central Ohio. Renee Belbeck,founder/president of National Association of W.O.M.E.N., invited us to be the beneficiary charity of the event. Erin, our Program Director was invited to give a brief speech about Chloe’s Place.

We met some great people! Many were interested in learning more about the work of Chloe’s Place. Quite a few signed up to keep up with our progress. Erin did a great job of introducing Chloe’s Place and making our purpose clear….in a 3 minute presentation!

I learned something about myself. I have known that I am wired pretty close to the introvert end of the spectrum. Being an introvert has often seemed a burden as I hone my leadership skills. Extroverts intrigue me, inspire me and leave my head spinning! As an introvert, having the opportunity to meet and greet 150 people that I do not know, at a place I have never been, in a setting geared for the outgoing entrepreneurs is not exactly in the center of my comfort zone! I learned that being a good team player is a desirable quality for an introvert. Erin’s effervescent, bubbly presence was delightfully inviting to many who came by our table or listened to her presentation. I enjoyed watching her relate to strangers in such a warm and winsome way. My presence was different, but rewarding as well. Among others, I connected with a young woman who was on her way to a movie, and stopped by to see what all the activity was about. As I shared with her, in my way, I learned that she is a young single mom, with goals and aspirations to break the cycle of poverty in her life. She was elated to find out that what she is seeking is what we are offering! This young woman will become our first GED student! How cool is it that our unique qualities and design can work together to make such a positive impact!

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