Monday, April 12, 2010

Cha Ching!

Who would have thought it? The cost of offering a desperately needed, well planned and executed program is staggering!

I decided early on that programs and services through CHLOE, Inc would be offered as we had funds to pay as we go. We plan carefully, acquire the needed resources, and then proceed.

When we began the quest, to establish a self-sufficiency home, we had around $10,000.00 in our CHLOE account. Most of the funds we have available have been donated by individuals. We recently received a gift from a local church for $1200.00 that is being applied to the expenses of our new GED Mentoring program.

In 2009 we determined that we must focus our efforts on programing primary to achieving our mission and not wait passively for the opportunity and funds to purchase and renovate property. The GED Mentoring program quickly rose to the top of the list! It is, after all, our mission to equip young single moms with tools to break their personal cycle of poverty. Few people question that education is a ‘key’ tool. Creative planning and willing volunteers have impacted the cost; we are comfortable with the investment required to see our GED Pilot Project through.
Curriculum and materials $900.00 (consumable goods)
Test fees for 5 students $250.00
Miscellaneous expenses... yet to be determined

Prior to initiating 'direct services' it was imperative for us to consider risk management issues and to purchase appropriate liability insurance.
General Liability Policy...$3,000.00 (covers 1 year/all mentoring/tutoring programs)

While the GED Mentoring pilot gets off the ground, we are looking forward to our next program component, Parenting Classes. As funds are available this program will be offered by late summer of 2010. Our vision to have Chloe’s Place (residential program) within the year has not dimmed.

So what is our plan to raise and maintain funds for the ongoing work and expansion of CHLOE, Inc.? We have often looked to an established self-sufficiency home for guidance and patterns. While our financial dynamics may evolve very differently, their financial report offers insight. Hope House of Colorado disclosed the following information in their 2009 Annual Report:
In kind 5%
Individual contributions 30%
Corporate gifts 12%
Events 41%
Grants 10%
Other 3%

Our perspective:

In kind: We are identifying and recruiting professionals willing to donate legal, media presence, administrative and other services
Individual: Through personal contact, Internet opportunities, and printed materials we are raising awareness of the plight of young single moms. We believe there are more than adequate resources in the hands of caring people willing and able to invest in this important work. Our job is to articulate clearly and invite response. With confidence in our vision and in our broad and diverse community, we request support. We steer away from fund-raising strategies that employ manipulation or imposed guilt... I personally shun those tactics and the organizations that use them!
Corporate We benefit from the investment of other organizations, social networks, and businesses and look forward to expanding that support base.
Events are popular and worthwhile for Non Profits. Expect to hear of our first major fund-raising event in the fall!
Grant funds are less available in our current economy. We are anticipating favorable evidence of our work through the GED pilot, to make us eligible to apply those targeting our focus. We are currently preparing a proposal for a $250,000.00 grant to be awarded based on online votes received to support the proposal! Be watching for an invitation to vote and to spread the invitation to your cyber-circle of friends and colleagues.
Other: While several of the funding sources must focus on large sums of money needed for properties, programs, salaries, and insurance costs, etc. we are creating some fun projects intended to raise smaller amounts to cover the cost of specific projects. Our first 'project fund-raiser' is in the works:
We are conducting an Amateur Photography Contest and a Children's Art Contest.
The winning entries in each category will grace the pages of our first CHLOE
Calendars. We are also thrilled that awesome local photographer, Erin Collins will
supply a collection of Amazing Animal Photos for a third calendar. We plan to
begin marketing them in October of 2010.

In conclusion, I am increasingly attentive to fund-raising discussions, promotions, and strategies. I believe that open honest discussion about the plight of young single moms and our cost to equip and release them, empowered to be self-sufficient, is necessary. I believe that transparent and prudent financial planning is required and must be communicated clearly. You are invited to consider our work and to join us in whatever way you are able, we need you.