There are two predominant encouragements clinging to the nooks and crannies of my mind these days. The first, a reflection from leaders of Hope House of Colorado; their recent newsletter stated, "Our guiding question this year has been, What are you doing with what God has already given you". The second was spoken regarding the ministry of Chloe's Place. "Just do it", was the message I received from a ministry leader I admire.
I have spent the past 16 months pouring my heart and resources into establishing a ministry that will serve young single moms and their children; equipping fragile families with what they need to grow strong and independent. The time invested has allowed the development of an abundance of documents including forms, program components, and training materials. We have also broadened our support base. While great progress has been made, it seemed like little could be done until we had secured our house...then these two encouragements came...as unexpected gifts.
We have been given:
Passion for facilitating health and wholeness in young moms
Years of experience in a variety of leadership and caring roles
Equipment adequate to set up a small office and classroom
A modest bank account for ministry
Curriculum for some life skill courses
Ever growing number of friends of the ministry
JUST DO IT!...This is what we can do now:
The foundation is laid, strong and ready... keep building
The search is underway for just the right house...keep searching
Plans are underway to set up our Learning Center at a local church or community
building. (it can be moved into the house or to a nearby place in the future)
It seems within the realm of possibility to launch a pilot of our GED Learning Lab in early 2010. The initial idea is to invite 8-10 young single moms (as referred by community organizations) to enroll in our program. We are researching what we need in order to provide leadership, mentors, materials, transportation, lunch, and child care.
We will be able to collect experience and hone expertise in specific program
We may bolster confidence in those who are waiting in the wings to support our
We will be able to gather needed 'measurable outcomes' necessary for grant
We will equip a number of young single moms toward a better future, some who
may not qualify for our future residential program.
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