This summer has passed more quickly than any I can remember! From the time of my last post I have enjoyed a couple months chocked full of family visits, a bit of travel and hopefully, some answers to health issues that will be resolved! I felt odd, not having back to back meetings, trainings to prepare and a tight schedule to maintain. Because major fatigue had taken a toll, I realized that a bit of R&R was in order. I am very thankful for the love of my family and time with them while I adjusted to changing gears!
This is, however a new day. I am feeling renewed and focused on the work at hand of getting Chloe's Place established. During my first week of full-time focus on Chloe's Place I have met some wonderful men & women who are excited about our work and are making great connections for us. I have meetings set up to learn from more area ministry leaders and to share our vision for Chloe's Place.
I have been reading books and attending classes that will be helpful as we create our volunteer training materials as well as some health and safety classes planned for the young women we will serve.
We do need to find a 'home' for Chloe's Place. We have been hesitant to do much promotion because without a 'Place' the self-sufficiency home might seem a mere 'concept', though we are way beyond the concept point! If you have been following this blog for any amount of time you are aware that we are establishing a self-sufficiency home for young single moms and their children. This residential program will provide save haven, educational support, Christian nurture, and life skill training for up to 6 moms and their little ones. The program is very structured and requires a 2-year commitment from the moms we will serve. We need a house with adequate space for the families and staff. We need office and classroom space, as well. It's kind of like a chicken and egg scenario. We hesitate to promote Chloe's Place because we do not have an established location ...but... how can we secure a house without expressing the need to the community!
We expect to find just the right place in NE Franklin County...Ohio (we are focused on the Westerville/Gahanna area but not locked in). We expect to work with zoning folks, community leaders and diverse churches and social service organizations as our plans unfold. We expect to share our expertise with others and to benefit from the work that has been established before our own.
If you are reading this and have an idea or connection that might benefit Chloe's Place, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a personal email at connie@chloeinc.org If you know of a church or organization that is interested in being a part of this work...let me know! If you would like to meet with me or have me speak to your group about Chloe's Place...my calendar has a spot reserved!
Blessings and Peace!
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