Friday, October 17, 2008

A 'Calling' Revisited

In 1999 I set out on an incredible journey. In answering a new call on my life I left the familiar and set out to establish a ministry. CHLOE is an acronym Community Health & Life skills Opportunities and Education. My heart longs to be faithful in this calling. The past seven years have sped by. If you are interested in learning about the work done in CHLOE's first years, please check our our website at

Early in 2008 after a time of struggling to understand where my faithfulness in ministry had taken me, in regard to the 'calling', and to know how best to be faithful; my friend Ruth O. joined me in prayer. I shared my heart and we sought God's strong direction. What has begun to unfold since that cold day in February has been rather dramatic. The vision for Chloe's Place was born and new energy for the journey emerged.

A time of retrospection was most helpful in clearing the fog that had clouded my understanding of what it is to have a 'calling' and being faithful to it. I realized that when I committed my life to what I understood this 'calling' to be, I brought with that a very specific expectations.

I expected:

  • God's blessing and provision to pave the way for a successful ministry that would touch many lives .
  • The Christian community, specifically, to embrace the work.
  • Steady growth and expansion of opportunities to engage the community and serve those seeking to gain knowledge and understanding of health and opportunities to develop/enhance life skills.
  • Expansion of the ministry to enable us to collaborate with like-spirited professionals who would offer a multitude of life enriching services.
  • By the year 2008 to be known throughout the community as an excellent resource for health and life skill education and have a physical location for services.

What I didn't expect:

  • To grow weary in the journey
  • To be 'let down' or 'stood up' by people who had voiced strong affirmation and commitment to the ministry.
  • To learn so much about a diverse range of topics
  • To be accepted graciously by many who do not understand or embrace my Christian values.
  • To be 'operating' from my basement.

So... What have I learned?

The 'calling' I embrace is to be Available, Faithful and Bold in Christian ministry.

  • My expectation of success and God's are on different planes.
  • The diverse opportunities I have had were all worthwhile and enriching... even the flops!
  • My worth in God's eyes is not dependent on my productivity.
  • If I am privileged to experience the fulfillment of this vision, I will be delighted. If I am able only to plant some seeds and not experience the harvest, I will be content.
  • It is a joyful journey. I will continue to be available, faithful, and bold.

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