Friday, July 1, 2011

Zoe is a Cry Baby!

No baby deserves to die or be disabled for life because he or she cries!  Understanding the devastation that results when an adult violently shakes a baby, and knowing it is 100% avoidable... compels me to take action!  Once in awhile there is an opportunity for learning and sharing that eases a bit of the angst I carry against such injustice and abuse.  I can only do a little, but I can do something!

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is one of the most severe forms of child abuse, caused by the violent shaking of an infant (or toddler) with or without impact against an object. Shaken Baby Syndrome usually results from a parent or caregiver shaking a baby because the baby would not stop crying. Approximately ¼ (some reports state 1/3) of the victims die as a result of direct brain injuries. Thousands of victims who survive suffer permanent neurological damage such as blindness, developmental delays, mental retardation, seizures, physical disabilities, paralysis, and/or brain damage.

Since crying is the primary reason that infants are shaken, it is important to inform parents how to deal with the frustrations of a crying baby as well as to equip them with effective parenting and coping strategies. Educated parents are equipped to be advocates for their child’s safety.  They are encouraged to share the information with others who may care for their child such as relatives, friends, and childcare providers. One report indicates that
1/3 of the perpetrators of SBS are unrelated; a boyfriend of the child’s mother.

In 2009 I was invited to participate in a statewide work-group through the Ohio Department of Health to develop a Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention plan for Ohio based on a best practice model from Mark S. Dias, MD (Pediatrics, April, 2005).  It was such an honor for me to participate. (I certainly learned more than I contributed).  Since that time I have hoped to find a way to contribute to the prevention of SBS.  Thanks to some wonderful Friends of CHLOE we have an awesome tool to do so.  We will quite literally be able impact parents and caregivers that will in turn SAVE THE LIVES OF BABIES!   This month we purchased a doll, “Zoe,” that produces an electronic simulation of brain damage that results from the violent shaking of infants or toddlers!

Starting in August we plan to provide SBS prevention demonstrations in our Chloe’s Moms Connection parenting classes and throughout our community.  If your school or social service agency would like for us to bring Zoe and a presentation about Shaken Baby Syndrome... please contact me to schedule.  I’m also seeking volunteers to be trained then facilitate the SBS presentations for CHLOE.  (

PS.  Our baby doll was named Zoe because Zoe means Life!