My intent for this blog is to provide insight into the behind the scenes thoughts, tasks, and processes involved in structuring a comprehensive self-sufficiency program. This particular pursuit began in November of 2008 (16 months ago); the eight months prior to that I spent researching how to best help break the cycle of poverty, in the lives of young single moms. It was then I determined a self-sufficiency home (model) best satisfied the quest.
I am elated to hold the vision for what Chloe’s Place will become and to be making steady progress toward the goal. We are first initiating our GED Mentoring Project, to be launched soon
Take a peek inside our ‘To Do’ list that has guided our recent work:
♥ Research the need for the proposed project
♥ Research current standards for providing GED tutoring
♥ Review curriculum options
♥ Determine barriers common to young women desiring to earn a GED
♥ Establish a plan to reduce barriers for potential students
♥ Establish time-lines for decisions, plans, promotion, and implementation
♥ Recruit a capable Program Director (willing to volunteer her services)
♥ Determine the best format for tutoring sessions
♥ Secure a location for tutoring sessions
♥ Establish program budget guidelines
♥ Recruit volunteer Mentors
♥ Present and get approval from Board of Directors for funding GED pilot
♥ Communicate with multiple community agencies; seeking student referrals
♥ Establish guidelines and policy for volunteers involved in the project
♥ Establish guidelines and policy for students involved in the project
♥ Establish desired ‘outcomes’ to measure success of the project.
♥ Design an ‘outcome’ measurement tool
♥ Work with Insurance Broker to secure General Liability coverage as well as
insurance to address student transportation issues.
♥ Promote project through website and monthly E-Note… to gain community support
(This required a new website design)
♥ Communicate with other programs offering GED programs to learn from their
♥ Address potential safety issues for students and staff
We are now ready to recruit and engage students!
You are probably not surprised to learn that none of these tasks are simple or have quick resolve. Several issues have been addressed then found to be impractical, too costly, or not to the standard we desire… back to the drawing board, we’ve gone. I am most grateful to have the support and encouragement of our Leadership Team and especially indebted to Erin Whinnery, our awesome Program Director!
What an incredible learning experience for me! I’ve even learned a little about myself, especially my expectations! I’ve grown in to a new level of contentment with the rate of our progress. I am confident that it is the steady constant driving toward the goal, not the speed that makes our success sure.