There is a nip in the air; seems like autumn is here for sure. It is my favorite season, with one reservation... it ushers in winter! The reminder of seasons and inevitable change directs my thoughts to transformation in my own life... and how raising up Chloe's Place in this particular season of my life makes sense. I have enjoyed lots of seasons. A few of my favorites include: "Baby, Baby, Baby" (the parenting years), "Borders Expanded" (geography & faith), "Onerous Obligations" (engrossed in the lives of the poor & needy) and "They Call Me Gram" (self-explanatory). The seasons vary in time, intensity and comfort, but these (and others) have brought me to the season I currently enjoy. I think I will label it, "Not Because I Must;But Because I May".
If I had to divide my life's seasons differently, to coincide with the familiar lunar calendar, I think I would consider myself in the autumn of my life. Just think about it... long periods of growing and maturing, complete with pruning... and fertilizer! It is time now for me to bring to harvest what has been invested and what I have learned through the years. It is the time to glean from the rich experiences and sow in the lives of others.
I fully recognize there are not enough seasons of life to make all dreams come true or to bring healing to enough wounds. I am however, determined to give my best effort to breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse, and disparity for young single moms and their children.
My days are filled with dreams, projects and schedules all intentionally set to meet the goal of establishing Chloe's Place. Recent progress includes:
...Compiling a contact list of 300 family units
.. Finalizing plans for a monthly E-note
...Reviewing hundreds of real estate offerings (Knowing full well our Development
Director has the search in her capable hands)
...Receiving our first "Impact Partner" donation (one time donation of more than
...Meeting outstanding ministry leaders throughout our area and learning from them