Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter's Blast

I am glad that the winter blast that has brought our community to a near standstill doesn't need to hinder the work of Chloe's Place.

This week I submitted an article that Lisa Steven and I wrote for InSpirit magazine. This magazine is part of the Women Ministry organization of the Evangelical Covenant Church. I am so pleased to have the opportunity to share of our vision and work with such a large caring audience. The article will likely be in the issue that comes out in March.

Great progress is being made toward finding the 'home', office, and classroom space we need to launch Chloe's Place. Recently I met with the Missions Pastor of a local church that has what seems to be, the ideal location for our ministry. I was greatly encouraged after meeting with Pastor Kevin; his heart is filled with compassion and our thinking seemed to be in sync regarding the potential for our Chloe's Place ministry. He shared our proposal with his Mission Team; they too responded as we hoped they would. There are many details to be worked out and the buildings need renovated to meet our needs... God will make a way.

Here are a few other tidbits...
  • I have a meeting next week with a church leader who heard of our work and wants to learn more so their church can become involved.
  • A co-worker has been providing me with some names of people in a variety of professions and positions that may be helpful connections for us to make.
  • I have about 200 contacts (family units) entered into our new software. (If you want to be on our mailing list/email list, please send me your contact info)
  • John is setting up the book keeping system to merge with that same new software
  • I submitted a proposal for a $25,000.00 grant. If awarded, that money will be used for furnishings and equipment for Chloe's Place house and learning lab.
  • I am working on a much larger grant proposal; I plan to submit it early in February, if not before.

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rahab's Hideaway

Today I attended a fundraiser for a new ministry in our community. Rahab's Hideaway has begun work to offer hope and help to women victimized by human trafficking. The Women Ministry organization of our church has designated 'human trafficking' as a primary issue to address, so I have learned a bit about the travesty of trafficking.
During the presenters talks I was reminded of my days as a nurse in a Victims of Torture program. (I worked with refugees) Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is common in girls and women who have been forced into this modern day 'slavery', just as those who have endured torture. How can it be that evil is so alive and well? How is it that we allow it to continue? Every day, every culture, every country... Yes right here in the 'heart of Ohio'.
So, what does human trafficking have to do with Chloe's Place? Here's a hunch I have. ... Be assured that many young women who find themselves pregnant/parenting, alone, poor and hopeless are incredibly vulnerable. Who do traffickers (pimps) look to victimize? The most vulnerable, of course! Think with me about a young woman who has a child and is alone. No one to babysit, no job skills, no high school diploma, no hope. Food, clothing... the basic stuff of life is not easily accessible. How likely is it that she will be targeted? In her desperation to survive I can imagine that she might fall for the lies of some slick talker, promising her the moon, only to find herself trapped in a life she would never have chosen for herself or her child. I couldn't find any statistic on-line that support my hunch....but it makes sense to me.
I am so thankful to be in a position to invest my time and resources in making a different path for young women and their children. When we are able to offer safe haven, GED classes, and parenting classes all in an environment permeated with grace and love.... that will be a gift of unspeakable value. What a privilege to make such an investment. I hope you have been thinking about how you might want to be involved. We need you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

The picture I posted on Wordless Wednesday may seem like a departure from primary topic of this blog...but actually it is right on target. According to the Department of Justice; on average from 2001-2005; 37.5% of victims of nonfatal intimate partner violence are in the 18-20 age range. We know from a variety of sources that many young women who find themselves pregnant/parenting and alone have also been victims of abuse, at some point in their life.
The focus of our Chloe's Place program through curriculum, nurturing and modeling will address the topic of domestic violence head on. The environment and classes will celebrate the value of each person ;acknowledging that each is fearfully and wonderfully made and deserving of respect in all relationships.
Chloe's Place will be a 'safe haven'. A place where moms and kids can feel comfortable and rest assured they are safe. In order to assure this safety we need to be intentional in our planning and design.
  • The address of Chloe's Place will not be published... just a PO Box.
  • The house will be equipped with a reliable security system.
  • Staff and volunteers will have required back ground checks.
I'm sure we will think of more safety precautions, but those are the ones that come to mind today.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Moving Forward

Last night our Chloe's Place Foundation Building Team met to continue our work toward establishing the Self-Sufficiency Home for young, single moms and their children. I always look forward to our meetings and go with great expectations! Last night I was not feeling well, so I didn't bring much energy to the meeting, but certainly felt energized by the meeting's end.

We shared information gathered regarding some youth residential service organizations in our community. I'm sure there is much to be learned from their experience and community presence. It can be a bit daunting to look at large multi-faceted government supported institutions. Yet, I was instead, encouraged. I am so thankful for the vision of Chloe's Place. It is not our desire or plan to compete with other programs, but to learn from them and collaborate with those that prove to be mutually beneficial.

I am reminded of wise counsel from Lisa Steven of Hope House of Colorado, who encouraged us to establish a narrow focus and become experts! We will become experts and excellent providers for young, single moms...(18-20 years old) and their children (newborn-4 years old). We had hoped to provide our residential program to younger moms, but Ohio law makes that unfeasible. The highest birth rate for single women is in the 18-20 year old range, so our program will meet a need within our community and beyond.

Here are a few accomplishments of late:
  • We have purchased new software and have it installed.
  • The Mission Statement has been finalized .
  • Age range for residents (and their children) has been defined.
  • We have a budget in place, taking us through Start up to Operational
  • We have the first confirmed member of our Advisory Board
  • Increasing number of 'friends' who will support this work
What's next?
  • Secure housing for Chloe's Place... house and office space
  • Start work on Marketing Plan